lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Restaurant description:

the restaurant location is Talcaguano.

restaurant's adress: 1st Street, bridge Perales, Salinas, Talcahuano

Phono: 041-2325409 or 09-78940143

El Callejón del Brito (the brito alley):

Is a new tapas restuarant that opened in talcahuano in early 2010. The restaurant has an elegant, yet casual feel to it and the food does not disappoint. On my visit to El Callejon del brito, the chef served us a great variety of his dishes, without us having to order anything in particular. The meal culminated with a stunning red snapper, cooked whole in the oven with a selection of mediterranean vegetables, including bell peppers, zucchini, red onions and garlic. The fish was served at our table by the chef himself and was cooked to perfection.Prior to the fish, we enjoyed garlic and salt chicken wings, pulpo a la gallega, clams, shrimp and a delicious salad. Not only is the food excellent and the service friendly, el Callejon seems to be turning into quite the meeting point among Casconians, whon come to the bar to relax at the beautiful bar with their neighbors. If you’re in “Talcahuano”, don’t miss a light snack or a full meal at the Callejon del Brito.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010



1.-Vaso de agua: water glass
2.-Bebida: soda
3.-Jugo natural: natural juice
4.-Vino Blanco: white wine
5.-Vino Tinto: red wine
6.-vodka: vodka
7.-Ron: rum
8.-Güisqui: whisky
9.-Cerveza: beer
10.-Pisco: chilean pisco.



1.-Lechuga: lettuce salad
2.-Tomates: tomatos
3.-Apio: celery
4.-Repollo: cabbage
5.-Betarraga: beetroot
6.-Papas mayos: potatoes mayonnaise
7.-Zanahoria: carrot
8.-Porotos verdes: green beans
9.-Rábanos: radish
10.-Achicoria: chicory


1.-vistec a lo pobre: steak like poor
2.-empanadas: pie
3.-Arroz con pollo: rice chicken
4-Fideos: noodles
5.-Pescado con papas: Fish with potatos
6.-Sopa con carne: soup with meat
7.-Paella: paelle
8.-Lasaña: lasagna
9.-Pizza: pizza
10.-Hamburguesas: burgers

dialogue 2:


A: hello, my I help you?
B: yes, can you bring me the menu, pleace?
A: In a minute sr.
B: ok.
A: here’s it. Call me when you’re ready.
B: a-ha.
B: sr. I want to order a chicken rice.
A: ok, something to drink?
B: yes a coke.
A: some salad?
B: letuce salad
A: ok I’ll bring your order in a minute.
B: ok
A: here’s your order, I hope you enjoy it.
B: thank.
B: sr can you bring me the count?
A: Yes, wait a bit
A: here’s it the count, how would you like to pay?
B: can I pay with my redcompras?
A: no... I a friad that the computer is bad.
B: I can pay?
A: with cash.
B: and how much is it?
A: 100 dollars.
B: what?, I don’t have so much money in cash.
A: I’m sorry but you have to pay of some way.
B: look sr I'll go to the market that is it in the corner, there I can get money from the cashier, and then I come to pay the count.
A: no sr I can’t let you out without pay the count...
B: I understand but it’s not my problem...because i want to pay but you don't have a good system so that's the only solution that i see...
A: ok but I’ll have to go with you.
B: ok, let’s go.
B: here’s it.
A: ok, Sorry about the problem sr.
B: bye

dialogue 1:

Dialogue 1:

Buying food:

A: hi, can I help you?
B: yes look I going to make a party so I need food.
A: ok, what exactly?
B: let me see...I want to make pizza and hot dogs
A: need?
B: to make the pizzas I need the mass, steak, tomatos, pickles and chees.
A: ok, I’ll bring you that stuff in a minute.
B: a-ha
A: Here’s your order.
B: now, I need the thing to make the hot dog
A: I hear you
B: ok for the hot dogs I need the bread, sausage, avocado and mayonnaise.
A: ok wait a little bit.
B: ok.
A: take.
B: mm..I need something more, drinks.
A: of what kind?
B: alcohol.
A: you have 18?
B: yes, look my card identification.
A: ok, every’s all right.
B: so I want beer, soda and rum.
A: here’s
B: ok how much is it?
A: 150 dollars
B: ok here you are.
A: thank for your preference.