Always I been good in math and science, but never liked me the idea of work with numbers locked in an office because I thought that I would lose my freedom, however one day talking with my big brother about the engineering career, he recommended a book called the engineers and the ivory tower, made by a famous civil engineer, and I read it and I realized that be an engineer is more than work with numbers and make projects , be an engineer is be an integral professional who know how fix problems, lead and innovate. Also this book gave me another conception of the engineering career, because before of read the book I thought that this career was a scientific career, then I realized that the engineer is rather an humanist because he must know how treat to the persons and help to the development of the society.
Of all the careers of the engineering, I like the Industrial civil engineering because I think that is the most comprehensive of the careers of the engineering because it has math and science, and a series of classes focused on making a integral professional, with knowledge and prepared for the changing world we live in.
In the university that I would like to study this career would be the Concepción University, because it has prestige, docent quality, good infrastructure and because it is near to my house.
For that I can study this career I need to have a good score in the PSU test, and is for that reason that I have been studying hard, because I want to be in this university and this career the next year.

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